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Report calls for huge expansion of experimental nuclear plants

"Development of new technology would move UK away from fossil fuels and generate two-thirds of power by 2050"


Wind power capacity grew 20% globally in 2012, figures show


Category: Energy sources


The secret history of drones

"The prototype of the drones now used in Afghanistan was actually conceived in 1916, even if it was a monoplane made of wood and tin"

Category: Robotics, Weapons


Sellafield to be prosecuted for sending radioactive waste to wrong disposal site

"Environment Agency takes nuclear firm to court after waste went to landfill instead of Drigg site"


WWF plans to use drones to protect wildlife

"The green group says by the end of the year it will have deployed 'eyes in the sky' in one country in Africa or Asia"

Category: Robotics

Displaying results 76 to 80 out of 2977